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Talbot Green Shopping Park

late night shopping – 3 hours free parking – high street brands

What Type of Talbot Green Shopping Park Shopper Are You?

Posted on August 11, 2020

Just like personalities, drivers, and sleepers, there are definitive types of shoppers that exist in this world.

Question being, what type are you? Using a completely-unscientific-but-perfectly-reliable formula, we’ve compiled the six most relatable types so you can find the answer…


1. The ‘pops out for one thing but ends up bringing half of Talbot Green Shopping Park back with them’ one

Me: “I’m just popping to M&S to get some milk and bread for the weekend.”


Me two hours later:

2. The indecisive one

Me: “Ooooo, I’ve been looking for jeans that fit like this for years! Should I get them though? Think I’ll wait until next weekend to get them though, to be honest – it can totally wait until then.”


Me coming back next weekend to find that my size is out of stock — and that the line has been discontinued:


3. The thrifty one

50% off sale: exists.


Me: goes shopping.


The part of my brain that I choose to ignore:


4. The ‘tries it on in-store and then buys it online cheaper’ one

Changing room assistant: “Did they all fit ok?”


Me, knowing that they all fitted perfectly: “Just a little bit too small, unfortunately!”


My conscience, knowing that I’m going to purchase the exact same pieces and sizes just a little bit cheaper online when I get home:


5. The tactical one

Me: “I’m going to buy all of my summer clothes at the very end of season when prices are at rock bottom — and then put them away until next summer.”


My friends and family:


6. The impulsive one

Checks phone: it’s 6am on a Friday and you’ve got work in three hours.

